Maxicare Logo

Primary Care Clinic Services

ServicesPreparationResults availabilityClinic Location
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursAlabang
AFB stainRinse the mouth and gargle with water only.24 hoursAlabang
AlbuminNone24 hoursAlabang
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursAlabang
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursAlabang
AmylaseNone24 hoursAlabang
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursAlabang
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursAlabang
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursAlabang
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursAlabang
CalciumNone24 hoursAlabang
ChlorideNone24 hoursAlabang
CholesterolNone24 hoursAlabang
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursAlabang
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursAlabang
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAlabang
FT3None24 hoursAlabang
FT4None24 hoursAlabang
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursAlabang
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursAlabang
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursAlabang
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursAlabang
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursAlabang
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursAlabang
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursAlabang
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursAlabang
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursAlabang
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursAlabang
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursAlabang
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursAlabang
LDHNone24 hoursAlabang
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursAlabang
LipaseNone24 hoursAlabang
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursAlabang
MagnesiumNone24 hoursAlabang
Micral TestNone24 hoursAlabang
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursAlabang
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 working daysAlabang
PhosphorusNone24 hoursAlabang
K None24 hoursAlabang
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursAlabang
PT (INR)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursAlabang
PTT (APTT)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursAlabang
SodiumNone24 hoursAlabang
TT3None24 hoursAlabang
TT4None24 hoursAlabang
Total ProteinNone24 hoursAlabang
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursAlabang
TSHNone24 hoursAlabang
UreaNone24 hoursAlabang
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursAlabang
Urinalysisa24 hoursAlabang
Abscess C/SRemove surface exudate by wiping with sterile saline or 70% alcohol.3-5 daysAlabang
ACTHNone5-7 working days from setup scheduleAlabang
AFPNone24 hoursAlabang
Alpha -1 AntitrypsinNone5-7 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysAlabang
ANA (IF)None24 hoursAlabang
ANA (Qualitative)None3 days from running daysAlabang
ANA (Quantitative)No preparation needed3 days from Running DayAlabang
Anti - TPONone8 hours on scheduled processing dayAlabang
Anti CCPNone8 hours on scheduled processing dayAlabang
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursAlabang
Anti-Thyroglobulin None24 hoursAlabang
B-HCGNone24 hoursAlabang
Bicarbonate (CO2)None24 hoursAlabang
Blood C/S w/ ARDCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysAlabang
Blood CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysAlabang
BNPNone24 hoursAlabang
Body Fluid CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysAlabang
CA 125None24 hoursAlabang
CA 15-3None24 hoursAlabang
CA19-9None24 hoursAlabang
CD4 COUNTNo preparation needed24 hoursAlabang
CEANone24 hoursAlabang
CKNone24 hoursAlabang
CKMBNone24 hoursAlabang
COMPLEMENT 3None24 hoursAlabang
COMPLEMENT 4None24 hoursAlabang
COPPERNone12-14 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysAlabang

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursAlabang
C-peptide8-10 hours fasting may be required24 hoursAlabang
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursAlabang
Cyfra 21-1NoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayAlabang
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysAlabang
D-DimerNone24 hoursAlabang
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursAlabang
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursAlabang
DHEASNone24 hoursAlabang
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursAlabang
EstradiolNone24 hoursAlabang
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursAlabang
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursAlabang
Fluid CytologyDepends on the specimen5-7 Working daysAlabang
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysAlabang
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayAlabang
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursAlabang
Fungal CultureCollection is preferably before any anti-fungal therapy. 6 weeks from date of processingAlabang
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAlabang
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAlabang
H. pylori Gastric BxNote: with preservative5-7 working daysAlabang
H. pyloriAb (Qualitative)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAlabang
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursAlabang
HE4None24 hoursAlabang
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursAlabang
Hepatitis B Core IgMNone24 hoursAlabang
Histology extralargePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysAlabang
Histology largePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysAlabang
Histology mediumPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysAlabang
Histology smallPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysAlabang
HomocysteineFasting of 12 hours maybe required.24 hoursAlabang
hsCRPNone24 hoursAlabang
hsTroponinNone24 hoursAlabang
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)Alabang
IgENone24 hoursAlabang
IgMDepends on IGM test requestAlabang
India Ink (Cryptococcus)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAlabang
InsulinFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursAlabang
Intact PTHNone24 hoursAlabang
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursAlabang
KOH MountNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAlabang
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysAlabang
Lipoprotein a-Lp(a)Fasting of 10 hours over night is required.8 hours on scheduled processing dayAlabang
OGCTNo fasting required. Patient will drink 50 grams glucose load. However, it is advisable
not to have glucose (sugar) containing food or drinks 30 minutes before the test.

A pregnant woman is given a 50-gram glucose dose to drink and her blood glucose level is measured after 1 hour.
24 hoursAlabang
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursAlabang
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursAlabang
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursAlabang
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursAlabang
24 hoursAlabang
ProlactinThe sample MUST be collected 3-4 hours after waking up.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysAlabang
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursAlabang
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursAlabang
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursAlabang
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursAlabang
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursAlabang
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursAlabang
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursAlabang
Serum OsmolalityAlabang
SHBGNone24 hoursAlabang
Sputum CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysAlabang
Stool Conc. Technique*No patient preparation necessary.
**Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.
*24 hours
**3-5 days
Swab Culture (Ear)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysAlabang
Swab Culture ( Eye)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysAlabang
Swab Cultue (Genital)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysAlabang
Swab Cultue (Tissue)Collection must be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysAlabang
Swab Cultue (Vaginal)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysAlabang
Testosterone (Free & Total)None24 hoursAlabang
Testosterone (Total)None24 hoursAlabang
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursAlabang
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm, WednesdayAlabang
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm, WednesdayAlabang
TPA/GNone24 hoursAlabang
TPHA (Quantitative)None24 hoursAlabang
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursAlabang
T-UptakeNone24 hoursAlabang
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAlabang
Urine albumin/creatinine ratioFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.

For Random urine: Freshly collected urine sample is preferred (30 mins to 1 hour after collection). If processing is delayed, store at ref temperature.
24 hoursAlabang
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursAlabang
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursAlabang
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursAlabang
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAlabang
Urine Creatinine ClearanceRemind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAlabang
Urine CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.2-5 daysAlabang
Urine Cytologywith preservative-95% ethyl alcohol5-7 working daysAlabang
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAlabang
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursAlabang
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAlabang
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursAlabang
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursAlabang
Urine OsmolalityNone24 hoursAlabang
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAlabang
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursAlabang
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAlabang
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAlabang
Vitamin DNone24 hoursAlabang
Widal TestNone24 hoursAlabang
Apoliprotein AFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursAlabang
Apoliprotein BFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursAlabang
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAlabang
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursAlabang
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursAlabang
SCC AgNone24 hoursAlabang
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAlabang
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAlabang
Anti-Mullerian HormoneNone24 hoursAlabang
Pro BNPnone24 hoursAlabang
PAPP-Anone2 days from the run date except Sat., Sun., and holidaysAlabang
CA 72-4inactive-Alabang
Free Beta HCGNone24 hoursAlabang
ThyroglobulinNone24 hoursAlabang
Trop T HsNone24 hoursAlabang
HSV 1 IgGNone5 days from the run dateAlabang
HSV 2 IgGNone5 days from the run dateAlabang
CMV IgGNone24 hoursAlabang
CMV IgMNone24 hoursAlabang
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursAyala North Exchange
AFB stainRinse the mouth and gargle with water only.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
AlbuminNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursAyala North Exchange
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
AmylaseNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
CalciumNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
ChlorideNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
CholesterolNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
FT3None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
FT4None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursAyala North Exchange
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
LDHNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
LipaseNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
MagnesiumNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Micral TestNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 working daysAyala North Exchange
PhosphorusNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
K None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
PT (INR)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursAyala North Exchange
PTT (APTT)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursAyala North Exchange
SodiumNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
TT3None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
TT4None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Total ProteinNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
TSHNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
UreaNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursAyala North Exchange
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Abscess C/SRemove surface exudate by wiping with sterile saline or 70% alcohol.3-5 daysAyala North Exchange
ACTHNone5-7 working days from setup scheduleAyala North Exchange
AFPNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Alpha -1 AntitrypsinNone5-7 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysAyala North Exchange
ANA (IF)None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
ANA (Qualitative)None3 days from running daysAyala North Exchange
ANA (Quantitative)No preparation needed3 days from Running DayAyala North Exchange
Anti - TPONone8 hours on scheduled processing dayAyala North Exchange
Anti CCPNone8 hours on scheduled processing dayAyala North Exchange
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Anti-Thyroglobulin None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
B-HCGNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Bicarbonate (CO2)None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Blood C/S w/ ARDCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysAyala North Exchange
Blood CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysAyala North Exchange
BNPNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Body Fluid CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysAyala North Exchange
CA 125None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
CA 15-3None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
CA19-9None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
CD4 COUNTNo preparation needed24 hoursAyala North Exchange
CEANone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
CKNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
CKMBNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
COMPLEMENT 3None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
COMPLEMENT 4None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
COPPERNone12-14 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysAyala North Exchange

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursAyala North Exchange
C-peptide8-10 hours fasting may be required24 hoursAyala North Exchange
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Cyfra 21-1NoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayAyala North Exchange
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysAyala North Exchange
D-DimerNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
DHEASNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursAyala North Exchange
EstradiolNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursAyala North Exchange
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Fluid CytologyDepends on the specimen5-7 Working daysAyala North Exchange
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysAyala North Exchange
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayAyala North Exchange
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Fungal CultureCollection is preferably before any anti-fungal therapy. 6 weeks from date of processingAyala North Exchange
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
H. pylori Gastric BxNote: with preservative5-7 working daysAyala North Exchange
H. pyloriAb (Qualitative)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
HE4None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Hepatitis B Core IgMNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Histology extralargePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysAyala North Exchange
Histology largePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysAyala North Exchange
Histology mediumPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysAyala North Exchange
Histology smallPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysAyala North Exchange
HomocysteineFasting of 12 hours maybe required.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
hsCRPNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
hsTroponinNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)Ayala North Exchange
IgENone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
IgMDepends on IGM test requestAyala North Exchange
India Ink (Cryptococcus)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
InsulinFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Intact PTHNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
KOH MountNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysAyala North Exchange
Lipoprotein a-Lp(a)Fasting of 10 hours over night is required.8 hours on scheduled processing dayAyala North Exchange
OGCTNo fasting required. Patient will drink 50 grams glucose load. However, it is advisable
not to have glucose (sugar) containing food or drinks 30 minutes before the test.

A pregnant woman is given a 50-gram glucose dose to drink and her blood glucose level is measured after 1 hour.
24 hoursAyala North Exchange
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursAyala North Exchange
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursAyala North Exchange
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
24 hoursAyala North Exchange
ProlactinThe sample MUST be collected 3-4 hours after waking up.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysAyala North Exchange
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursAyala North Exchange
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Serum OsmolalityAyala North Exchange
SHBGNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Sputum CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysAyala North Exchange
Stool Conc. Technique-*No patient preparation necessary.
**Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.
*24 hours
**3-5 days
Ayala North Exchange
Swab Culture (Ear)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysAyala North Exchange
Swab Culture ( Eye)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysAyala North Exchange
Swab Cultue (Genital)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysAyala North Exchange
Swab Cultue (Tissue)Collection must be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysAyala North Exchange
Swab Cultue (Vaginal)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysAyala North Exchange
Testosterone (Free & Total)None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Testosterone (Total)None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm, WednesdayAyala North Exchange
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm, WednesdayAyala North Exchange
TPA/GNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
TPHA (Quantitative)None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
T-UptakeNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine albumin/creatinine ratioFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.

For Random urine: Freshly collected urine sample is preferred (30 mins to 1 hour after collection). If processing is delayed, store at ref temperature.
24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine Creatinine ClearanceRemind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.2-5 daysAyala North Exchange
Urine Cytologywith preservative-95% ethyl alcohol5-7 working daysAyala North Exchange
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine OsmolalityNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Vitamin DNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Widal TestNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Apoliprotein AFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Apoliprotein BFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursAyala North Exchange
SCC AgNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Procalcitonin--Ayala North Exchange
Anti-Mullerian HormoneNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Pro BNPnone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
PAPP-Anone2 days from the run date except Sat., Sun., and holidaysAyala North Exchange
CA 72-4inactive-Ayala North Exchange
Free Beta HCGNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
ThyroglobulinNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
Trop T HsNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
HSV 1 IgGNone5 days from the run dateAyala North Exchange
HSV 2 IgGNone5 days from the run dateAyala North Exchange
CMV IgGNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
CMV IgMNone24 hoursAyala North Exchange
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursBacolod
AlbuminNone24 hoursBacolod
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursBacolod
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursBacolod
AmylaseNone24 hoursBacolod
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursBacolod
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursBacolod
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursBacolod
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursBacolod
CalciumNone24 hoursBacolod
ChlorideNone24 hoursBacolod
CholesterolNone24 hoursBacolod
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursBacolod
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursBacolod
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBacolod
FT3None24 hoursBacolod
FT4None24 hoursBacolod
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursBacolod
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursBacolod
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursBacolod
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursBacolod
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursBacolod
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursBacolod
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursBacolod
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursBacolod
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursBacolod
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursBacolod
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursBacolod
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursBacolod
LDHNone24 hoursBacolod
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursBacolod
LipaseNone24 hoursBacolod
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursBacolod
MagnesiumNone24 hoursBacolod
Micral TestNone24 hoursBacolod
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursBacolod
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 Working daysBacolod
PhosphorusNone24 hoursBacolod
K None24 hoursBacolod
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursBacolod
PT (INR)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursBacolod
PTT (APTT)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursBacolod
SodiumNone24 hoursBacolod
Syphilis AbNone24 hoursBacolod
TT3None24 hoursBacolod
TT4None24 hoursBacolod
Total ProteinNone24 hoursBacolod
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursBacolod
TSHNone24 hoursBacolod
UreaNone24 hoursBacolod
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursBacolod
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursBacolod
ACTHNone5-7 working days from setup scheduleBacolod
AFPNone24 hoursBacolod
ANA (IF)None24 hoursBacolod
ANA (Qualitative)None3 DAYS FROM RUNNING DAYSBacolod
ANA (Quantitative)No preparation needed3 days from Running DayBacolod
Anti - TPONoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayBacolod
Anti CCPNoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayBacolod
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursBacolod
Anti-Thyroglobulin None24 hoursBacolod
B-HCGNone24 hoursBacolod
Bicarbonate (CO2)None24 hoursBacolod
BNPNone24 hoursBacolod
CA 125None24 hoursBacolod
CA 15-3None24 hoursBacolod
CA19-9None24 hoursBacolod
CEANone24 hoursBacolod
CKNone24 hoursBacolod
CKMBNone24 hoursBacolod
COMPLEMENT 3None24 hoursBacolod
COMPLEMENT 4None24 hoursBacolod
COPPERNone12-14 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysBacolod

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursBacolod
C-peptide8-10 hours fasting may be required24 hoursBacolod
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursBacolod
Cyfra 21-1NoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayBacolod
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysBacolod
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursBacolod
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursBacolod
DHEASNone24 hoursBacolod
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursBacolod
EstradiolNone24 hoursBacolod
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursBacolod
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursBacolod
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysBacolod
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayBacolod
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursBacolod
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBacolod
H. pyloriAb (Qualitative)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBacolod
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursBacolod
HE4None24 hoursBacolod
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursBacolod
Hepatitis B Core IgMNone24 hoursBacolod
HomocysteineFasting of 12 hours maybe required.24 hoursBacolod
hsCRPNone24 hoursBacolod
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)Bacolod
IgENone24 hoursBacolod
IgMDepends on IGM test requestBacolod
InsulinFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursBacolod
Intact PTHNone24 hoursBacolod
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursBacolod
KOH MountNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBacolod
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.Releasing: 5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysBacolod
Lipoprotein a-Lp(a)Fasting of 10 hours over night is required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayBacolod
OGCTNo fasting required. Patient will drink 50 grams glucose load. However, it is advisable
not to have glucose (sugar) containing food or drinks 30 minutes before the test.

A pregnant woman is given a 50-gram glucose dose to drink and her blood glucose level is measured after 1 hour.
24 hoursBacolod
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursBacolod
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursBacolod
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursBacolod
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursBacolod
24 hoursBacolod
ProlactinThe sample MUST be collected 3-4 hours after waking up.Releasing: 5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysBacolod
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursBacolod
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursBacolod
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursBacolod
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursBacolod
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursBacolod
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursBacolod
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursBacolod
SHBGNone24 hoursBacolod
Testosterone (Free & Total)None24 hoursBacolod
Testosterone (Total)None24 hoursBacolod
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursBacolod
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm wedBacolod
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm wedBacolod
TPA/GNone24 hoursBacolod
TPHA (Quantitative)None24 hoursBacolod
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursBacolod
T-UptakeNone24 hoursBacolod
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBacolod
Urine albumin/creatinine ratioFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.

For Random urine: Freshly collected urine sample is preferred (30 mins to 1 hour after collection). If processing is delayed, store at ref temperature.
24 hoursBacolod
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursBacolod
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursBacolod
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursBacolod
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBacolod
Urine Creatinine ClearanceRemind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBacolod
Urine CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.2-5 daysBacolod
Urine Cytologywith preservative-95% ethyl alcohol5-7 working daysBacolod
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBacolod
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursBacolod
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBacolod
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursBacolod
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursBacolod
Urine OsmolalityNone24 hoursBacolod
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBacolod
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursBacolod
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBacolod
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBacolod
Vitamin DNone24 hoursBacolod
Widal TestNone24 hoursBacolod
Apoliprotein AFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursBacolod
Apoliprotein BFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursBacolod
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBacolod
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursBacolod
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursBacolod
SCC AgNone24 hoursBacolod
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBacolod
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBacolod
Anti-Mullerian HormoneNone24 hoursBacolod
Pro BNPnone24 hoursBacolod
Free Beta HCGNone24 hoursBacolod
ThyroglobulinNone24 hoursBacolod
HSV 1 IgGNone5 days from the run dateBacolod
HSV 2 IgGNone5 days from the run dateBacolod
CMV IgGNone24 hoursBacolod
CMV IgMNone24 hoursBacolod
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursBaguio
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursBaguio
AmylaseNone24 hoursBaguio
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursBaguio
CalciumNone24 hoursBaguio
ChlorideNone24 hoursBaguio
CholesterolNone24 hoursBaguio
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursBaguio
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursBaguio
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBaguio
FT3None24 hoursBaguio
FT4None24 hoursBaguio
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursBaguio
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursBaguio
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursBaguio
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursBaguio
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursBaguio
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursBaguio
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursBaguio
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursBaguio
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursBaguio
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursBaguio
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursBaguio
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursBaguio
LDHNone24 hoursBaguio
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursBaguio
LipaseNone24 hoursBaguio
MagnesiumNone24 hoursBaguio
PhosphorusNone24 hoursBaguio
K None24 hoursBaguio
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursBaguio
SodiumNone24 hoursBaguio
TT3None24 hoursBaguio
TT4None24 hoursBaguio
Total ProteinNone24 hoursBaguio
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursBaguio
TSHNone24 hoursBaguio
UreaNone24 hoursBaguio
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursBaguio
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursBaguio
AFPNone24 hoursBaguio
CA 125None24 hoursBaguio
CA19-9None24 hoursBaguio
CEANone24 hoursBaguio
CKNone24 hoursBaguio
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursBaguio
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursBaguio
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursBaguio
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursBaguio
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursBaguio
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursBaguio
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBaguio
H. pyloriAb (Qualitative)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBaguio
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursBaguio
hsCRPNone24 hoursBaguio
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursBaguio
KOH MountNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBaguio
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursBaguio
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursBaguio
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursBaguio
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursBaguio
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursBaguio
TPA/GNone24 hoursBaguio
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBaguio
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBaguio
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursBaguio
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursBridgetowne
AFB stainRinse the mouth and gargle with water only.24 hoursBridgetowne
AlbuminNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursBridgetowne
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursBridgetowne
AmylaseNone24 hoursBridgetowne
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursBridgetowne
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursBridgetowne
CalciumNone24 hoursBridgetowne
ChlorideNone24 hoursBridgetowne
CholesterolNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursBridgetowne
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursBridgetowne
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBridgetowne
FT3None24 hoursBridgetowne
FT4None24 hoursBridgetowne
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursBridgetowne
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursBridgetowne
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursBridgetowne
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursBridgetowne
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursBridgetowne
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursBridgetowne
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursBridgetowne
LDHNone24 hoursBridgetowne
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursBridgetowne
LipaseNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursBridgetowne
MagnesiumNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Micral TestNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 working daysBridgetowne
PhosphorusNone24 hoursBridgetowne
K None24 hoursBridgetowne
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursBridgetowne
PT (INR)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursBridgetowne
PTT (APTT)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursBridgetowne
SodiumNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Total ProteinNone24 hoursBridgetowne
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursBridgetowne
TSHNone24 hoursBridgetowne
UreaNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursBridgetowne
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursBridgetowne
Abscess C/SRemove surface exudate by wiping with sterile saline or 70% alcohol.3-5 daysBridgetowne
ACTHNone5-7 working days from setup scheduleBridgetowne
AFPNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Alpha -1 AntitrypsinNone5-7 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysBridgetowne
ANA (IF)None24 hoursBridgetowne
ANA (Qualitative)None3 days from running daysBridgetowne
ANA (Quantitative)No preparation needed3 days from Running DayBridgetowne
Anti - TPONone8 hours on scheduled processing dayBridgetowne
Anti CCPNone8 hours on scheduled processing dayBridgetowne
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Anti-Thyroglobulin None24 hoursBridgetowne
B-HCGNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Bicarbonate (CO2)None24 hoursBridgetowne
Blood C/S w/ ARDCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysBridgetowne
Blood CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysBridgetowne
BNPNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Body Fluid CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysBridgetowne
CA 125None24 hoursBridgetowne
CA 15-3None24 hoursBridgetowne
CA19-9None24 hoursBridgetowne
CD4 COUNTNo preparation needed24 hoursBridgetowne
CEANone24 hoursBridgetowne
CKNone24 hoursBridgetowne
CKMBNone24 hoursBridgetowne
COMPLEMENT 3None24 hoursBridgetowne
COMPLEMENT 4None24 hoursBridgetowne
COPPERNone12-14 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysBridgetowne

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursBridgetowne
C-peptide8-10 hours fasting may be required24 hoursBridgetowne
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursBridgetowne
Cyfra 21-1NoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayBridgetowne
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysBridgetowne
D-DimerNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursBridgetowne
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursBridgetowne
DHEASNone24 hoursBridgetowne
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursBridgetowne
EstradiolNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursBridgetowne
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursBridgetowne
Fluid CytologyDepends on the specimen5-7 Working daysBridgetowne
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysBridgetowne
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayBridgetowne
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursBridgetowne
Fungal CultureCollection is preferably before any anti-fungal therapy. 6 weeks from date of processingBridgetowne
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBridgetowne
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBridgetowne
H. pylori Gastric BxNote: with preservative5-7 working daysBridgetowne
H. pyloriAb (Qualitative)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBridgetowne
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursBridgetowne
HE4None24 hoursBridgetowne
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Hepatitis B Core IgMNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Histology extralargePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysBridgetowne
Histology largePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysBridgetowne
Histology mediumPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysBridgetowne
Histology smallPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysBridgetowne
HomocysteineFasting of 12 hours maybe required.24 hoursBridgetowne
hsCRPNone24 hoursBridgetowne
hsTroponinNone24 hoursBridgetowne
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)Bridgetowne
IgENone24 hoursBridgetowne
IgMDepends on IGM test requestBridgetowne
India Ink (Cryptococcus)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBridgetowne
InsulinFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursBridgetowne
Intact PTHNone24 hoursBridgetowne
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursBridgetowne
KOH MountNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBridgetowne
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysBridgetowne
Lipoprotein a-Lp(a)Fasting of 10 hours over night is required.8 hours on scheduled processing dayBridgetowne
OGCTNo fasting required. Patient will drink 50 grams glucose load. However, it is advisable
not to have glucose (sugar) containing food or drinks 30 minutes before the test.

A pregnant woman is given a 50-gram glucose dose to drink and her blood glucose level is measured after 1 hour.
24 hoursBridgetowne
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursBridgetowne
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursBridgetowne
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursBridgetowne
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursBridgetowne
24 hoursBridgetowne
ProlactinThe sample MUST be collected 3-4 hours after waking up.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysBridgetowne
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursBridgetowne
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursBridgetowne
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursBridgetowne
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursBridgetowne
Serum OsmolalityBridgetowne
SHBGNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Sputum CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysBridgetowne
Stool Conc. Technique*No patient preparation necessary.
**Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.
*24 hours
**3-5 days
Swab Culture (Ear)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysBridgetowne
Swab Culture ( Eye)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysBridgetowne
Swab Cultue (Genital)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysBridgetowne
Swab Cultue (Tissue)Collection must be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysBridgetowne
Swab Cultue (Vaginal)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysBridgetowne
Testosterone (Free & Total)None24 hoursBridgetowne
Testosterone (Total)None24 hoursBridgetowne
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursBridgetowne
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm, WednesdayBridgetowne
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm, WednesdayBridgetowne
TPA/GNone24 hoursBridgetowne
TPHA (Quantitative)None24 hoursBridgetowne
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursBridgetowne
T-UptakeNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine albumin/creatinine ratioFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.

For Random urine: Freshly collected urine sample is preferred (30 mins to 1 hour after collection). If processing is delayed, store at ref temperature.
24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine Creatinine ClearanceRemind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.2-5 daysBridgetowne
Urine Cytologywith preservative-95% ethyl alcohol5-7 working daysBridgetowne
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine OsmolalityNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBridgetowne
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBridgetowne
Vitamin DNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Widal TestNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Apoliprotein AFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursBridgetowne
Apoliprotein BFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursBridgetowne
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursBridgetowne
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursBridgetowne
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursBridgetowne
SCC AgNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBridgetowne
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursBridgetowne
Anti-Mullerian HormoneNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Pro BNPNone24 hoursBridgetowne
PAPP-ANone2 days from the run date except Sat., Sun., and holidaysBridgetowne
Free Beta HCGNone24 hoursBridgetowne
ThyroglobulinNone24 hoursBridgetowne
Trop T HsNone24 hoursBridgetowne
HSV 1 IgGNone5 days from the run dateBridgetowne
HSV 2 IgGNone5 days from the run dateBridgetowne
CMV IgGNone24 hoursBridgetowne
CMV IgMNone24 hoursBridgetowne
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursCagayan De Oro
AlbuminNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursCagayan De Oro
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
AmylaseNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
CalciumNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
ChlorideNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
CholesterolNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
FT3None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
FT4None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursCagayan De Oro
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
LDHNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
LipaseNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
MagnesiumNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Micral TestNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 Working daysCagayan De Oro
PhosphorusNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
K None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
SodiumNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
TT3None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
TT4None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Total ProteinNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
TSHNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
UreaNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursCagayan De Oro
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
AFPNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
B-HCGNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
CEANone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
CKMBNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
COMPLEMENT 3None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
COMPLEMENT 4None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
COPPERNone12-14 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysCagayan De Oro

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursCagayan De Oro
C-peptide8-10 hours fasting may be required24 hoursCagayan De Oro
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Cyfra 21-1NoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayCagayan De Oro
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysCagayan De Oro
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
DHEASNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursCagayan De Oro
EstradiolNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursCagayan De Oro
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Fluid CytologyDepends on the specimen5-7 Working daysCagayan De Oro
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysCagayan De Oro
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayCagayan De Oro
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
HE4None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Hepatitis B Core IgMNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Histology extralargePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysCagayan De Oro
Histology largePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysCagayan De Oro
Histology mediumPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysCagayan De Oro
Histology smallPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysCagayan De Oro
hsCRPNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)Cagayan De Oro
IgENone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
IgMDepends on IGM test requestCagayan De Oro
InsulinFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Intact PTHNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
KOH MountNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.Releasing: 5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysCagayan De Oro
Lipoprotein a-Lp(a)Fasting of 10 hours over night is required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayCagayan De Oro
OGCTNo fasting required. Patient will drink 50 grams glucose load. However, it is advisable
not to have glucose (sugar) containing food or drinks 30 minutes before the test.

A pregnant woman is given a 50-gram glucose dose to drink and her blood glucose level is measured after 1 hour.
24 hoursCagayan De Oro
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursCagayan De Oro
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursCagayan De Oro
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
24 hoursCagayan De Oro
ProlactinThe sample MUST be collected 3-4 hours after waking up.Releasing: 5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysCagayan De Oro
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursCagayan De Oro
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursCagayan De Oro
SHBGNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Testosterone (Free & Total)None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Testosterone (Total)None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm wedCagayan De Oro
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm wedCagayan De Oro
TPA/GNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
TPHA (Quantitative)None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
T-UptakeNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine albumin/creatinine ratioFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.

For Random urine: Freshly collected urine sample is preferred (30 mins to 1 hour after collection). If processing is delayed, store at ref temperature.
24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine OsmolalityNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Vitamin DNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Widal TestNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Apoliprotein AFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Apoliprotein BFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursCagayan De Oro
SCC AgNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Anti-Mullerian HormoneNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Pro BNPnone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
PAPP-Anone2 days from the run date except sat sun and holidayCagayan De Oro
CA 72-4inactive-Cagayan De Oro
Free Beta HCGNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
ThyroglobulinNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
Trop T HsNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
HSV 1 IgGNone5 days from the run dateCagayan De Oro
HSV 2 IgGNone5 days from the run dateCagayan De Oro
CMV IgGNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
CMV IgMNone24 hoursCagayan De Oro
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursCebu Business Park
AlbuminNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursCebu Business Park
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursCebu Business Park
AmylaseNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursCebu Business Park
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
CalciumNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
ChlorideNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
CholesterolNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursCebu Business Park
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursCebu Business Park
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCebu Business Park
FT3None24 hoursCebu Business Park
FT4None24 hoursCebu Business Park
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursCebu Business Park
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursCebu Business Park
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursCebu Business Park
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursCebu Business Park
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursCebu Business Park
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursCebu Business Park
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursCebu Business Park
LipaseNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursCebu Business Park
MagnesiumNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Micral TestNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 working daysCebu Business Park
PhosphorusNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
K None24 hoursCebu Business Park
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Business Park
PT (INR)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursCebu Business Park
PTT (APTT)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursCebu Business Park
SodiumNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Total ProteinNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursCebu Business Park
TSHNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
UreaNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursCebu Business Park
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursCebu Business Park
B-HCGNone24 hoursCebu Business Park

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursCebu Business Park
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysCebu Business Park
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursCebu Business Park
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
DHEASNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursCebu Business Park
EstradiolNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursCebu Business Park
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursCebu Business Park
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysCebu Business Park
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayCebu Business Park
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursCebu Business Park
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCebu Business Park
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCebu Business Park
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursCebu Business Park
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Hepatitis B Core IgMNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
hsCRPNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)Cebu Business Park
IgENone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Intact PTHNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursCebu Business Park
KOH MountNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCebu Business Park
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysCebu Business Park
Lipoprotein a-Lp(a)Fasting of 10 hours over night is required.8 hours on scheduled processing dayCebu Business Park
OGCTNo fasting required. Patient will drink 50 grams glucose load. However, it is advisable
not to have glucose (sugar) containing food or drinks 30 minutes before the test.

A pregnant woman is given a 50-gram glucose dose to drink and her blood glucose level is measured after 1 hour.
24 hoursCebu Business Park
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursCebu Business Park
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursCebu Business Park
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursCebu Business Park
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursCebu Business Park
24 hoursCebu Business Park
ProlactinThe sample MUST be collected 3-4 hours after waking up.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysCebu Business Park
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursCebu Business Park
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursCebu Business Park
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursCebu Business Park
SHBGNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Sputum CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysCebu Business Park
Testosterone (Free & Total)None24 hoursCebu Business Park
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursCebu Business Park
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm, WednesdayCebu Business Park
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm, WednesdayCebu Business Park
TPA/GNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
TPHA (Quantitative)None24 hoursCebu Business Park
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursCebu Business Park
T-UptakeNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine Creatinine ClearanceRemind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.2-5 daysCebu Business Park
Urine Cytologywith preservative-95% ethyl alcohol5-7 working daysCebu Business Park
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine OsmolalityNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Business Park
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Business Park
Vitamin DNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Widal TestNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Apoliprotein AFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursCebu Business Park
Apoliprotein BFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursCebu Business Park
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCebu Business Park
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursCebu Business Park
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursCebu Business Park
SCC AgNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Business Park
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Business Park
CA 72-4inactive-Cebu Business Park
Free Beta HCGNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
ThyroglobulinNone24 hoursCebu Business Park
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursCebu Skyrise
AFB stainRinse the mouth and gargle with water only.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
AlbuminNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursCebu Skyrise
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
AmylaseNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
CalciumNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
ChlorideNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
CholesterolNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
FT3None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
FT4None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursCebu Skyrise
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
LDHNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
LipaseNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
MagnesiumNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Micral TestNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 working daysCebu Skyrise
PhosphorusNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
K None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
PT (INR)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursCebu Skyrise
PTT (APTT)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursCebu Skyrise
SodiumNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
TT3None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
TT4None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Total ProteinNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
TSHNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
UreaNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursCebu Skyrise
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
ACTHNone5-7 working days from setup scheduleCebu Skyrise
AFPNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
ANA (Qualitative)None3 days from running daysCebu Skyrise
ANA (Quantitative)No preparation needed3 days from Running DayCebu Skyrise
Anti - TPONone8 hours on scheduled processing dayCebu Skyrise
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Anti-Thyroglobulin None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
B-HCGNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Bicarbonate (CO2)None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
CA 125None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
CA 15-3None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
CA19-9None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
CEANone24 hoursCebu Skyrise

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysCebu Skyrise
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
DHEASNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursCebu Skyrise
EstradiolNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursCebu Skyrise
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysCebu Skyrise
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayCebu Skyrise
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Hepatitis B Core IgMNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
hsCRPNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)Cebu Skyrise
IgENone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Intact PTHNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
KOH MountNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysCebu Skyrise
Lipoprotein a-Lp(a)Fasting of 10 hours over night is required.8 hours on scheduled processing dayCebu Skyrise
OGCTNo fasting required. Patient will drink 50 grams glucose load. However, it is advisable
not to have glucose (sugar) containing food or drinks 30 minutes before the test.

A pregnant woman is given a 50-gram glucose dose to drink and her blood glucose level is measured after 1 hour.
24 hoursCebu Skyrise
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
24 hoursCebu Skyrise
ProlactinThe sample MUST be collected 3-4 hours after waking up.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysCebu Skyrise
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursCebu Skyrise
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursCebu Skyrise
SHBGNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Testosterone (Total)None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm, WednesdayCebu Skyrise
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm, WednesdayCebu Skyrise
TPA/GNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
TPHA (Quantitative)None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
T-UptakeNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine Creatinine ClearanceRemind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.2-5 daysCebu Skyrise
Urine Cytologywith preservative-95% ethyl alcohol5-7 working daysCebu Skyrise
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine OsmolalityNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Vitamin DNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Widal TestNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Apoliprotein AFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Apoliprotein BFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCebu Skyrise
CA 72-4inactive-Cebu Skyrise
Free Beta HCGNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
ThyroglobulinNone24 hoursCebu Skyrise
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursCentris
AFB stainRinse the mouth and gargle with water only.24 hoursCentris
AlbuminNone24 hoursCentris
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursCentris
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursCentris
AmylaseNone24 hoursCentris
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursCentris
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursCentris
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursCentris
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursCentris
CalciumNone24 hoursCentris
ChlorideNone24 hoursCentris
CholesterolNone24 hoursCentris
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursCentris
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursCentris
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCentris
FT3None24 hoursCentris
FT4None24 hoursCentris
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursCentris
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursCentris
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursCentris
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursCentris
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursCentris
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursCentris
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursCentris
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursCentris
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursCentris
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursCentris
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursCentris
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursCentris
LDHNone24 hoursCentris
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursCentris
LipaseNone24 hoursCentris
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursCentris
MagnesiumNone24 hoursCentris
Micral TestNone24 hoursCentris
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursCentris
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 working daysCentris
PhosphorusNone24 hoursCentris
K None24 hoursCentris
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursCentris
PT (INR)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursCentris
PTT (APTT)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursCentris
SodiumNone24 hoursCentris
Total ProteinNone24 hoursCentris
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursCentris
TSHNone24 hoursCentris
UreaNone24 hoursCentris
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursCentris
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursCentris
Abscess C/SRemove surface exudate by wiping with sterile saline or 70% alcohol.3-5 daysCentris
ACTHNone5-7 working days from setup scheduleCentris
AFPNone24 hoursCentris
Alpha -1 AntitrypsinNone5-7 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysCentris
ANA (IF)None24 hoursCentris
ANA (Qualitative)None3 days from running daysCentris
ANA (Quantitative)No preparation needed3 days from Running DayCentris
Anti - TPONone8 hours on scheduled processing dayCentris
Anti CCPNone8 hours on scheduled processing dayCentris
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursCentris
Anti-Thyroglobulin None24 hoursCentris
B-HCGNone24 hoursCentris
Bicarbonate (CO2)None24 hoursCentris
Blood C/S w/ ARDCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysCentris
BNPNone24 hoursCentris
CA 125None24 hoursCentris
CA 15-3None24 hoursCentris
CA19-9None24 hoursCentris
CD4 COUNTNo preparation needed24 hoursCentris
CEANone24 hoursCentris
CKNone24 hoursCentris
CKMBNone24 hoursCentris
COMPLEMENT 3None24 hoursCentris
COMPLEMENT 4None24 hoursCentris
COPPERNone12-14 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysCentris

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursCentris
C-peptide8-10 hours fasting may be required24 hoursCentris
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursCentris
Cyfra 21-1NoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayCentris
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysCentris
D-DimerNone24 hoursCentris
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursCentris
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursCentris
DHEASNone24 hoursCentris
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursCentris
EstradiolNone24 hoursCentris
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursCentris
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursCentris
Fluid CytologyDepends on the specimen5-7 Working daysCentris
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysCentris
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayCentris
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursCentris
Fungal CultureCollection is preferably before any anti-fungal therapy. 6 weeks from date of processingCentris
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCentris
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCentris
H. pylori Gastric BxNote: with preservative5-7 working daysCentris
H. pyloriAb (Qualitative)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCentris
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursCentris
HE4None24 hoursCentris
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursCentris
Hepatitis B Core IgMNone24 hoursCentris
Histology extralargePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysCentris
Histology largePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysCentris
Histology mediumPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysCentris
Histology smallPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysCentris
HomocysteineFasting of 12 hours maybe required.24 hoursCentris
hsCRPNone24 hoursCentris
hsTroponinNone24 hoursCentris
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)Centris
IgENone24 hoursCentris
IgMDepends on IGM test requestCentris
India Ink (Cryptococcus)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCentris
InsulinFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursCentris
Intact PTHNone24 hoursCentris
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursCentris
KOH MountNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCentris
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysCentris
Lipoprotein a-Lp(a)Fasting of 10 hours over night is required.8 hours on scheduled processing dayCentris
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursCentris
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursCentris
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursCentris
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursCentris
24 hoursCentris
ProlactinThe sample MUST be collected 3-4 hours after waking up.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysCentris
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursCentris
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursCentris
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursCentris
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursCentris
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursCentris
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursCentris
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursCentris
Serum OsmolalityCentris
SHBGNone24 hoursCentris
Sputum CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysCentris
Stool Conc. TechniqueNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCentris
Swab Culture (Ear)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysCentris
Swab Culture ( Eye)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysCentris
Swab Cultue (Genital)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysCentris
Swab Cultue (Tissue)Collection must be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysCentris
Swab Cultue (Vaginal)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysCentris
Testosterone (Free & Total)None24 hoursCentris
Testosterone (Total)None24 hoursCentris
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursCentris
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm, WednesdayCentris
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm, WednesdayCentris
TPA/GNone24 hoursCentris
TPHA (Quantitative)None24 hoursCentris
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursCentris
T-UptakeNone24 hoursCentris
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCentris
Urine albumin/creatinine ratioFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.

For Random urine: Freshly collected urine sample is preferred (30 mins to 1 hour after collection). If processing is delayed, store at ref temperature.
24 hoursCentris
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursCentris
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursCentris
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursCentris
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCentris
Urine Creatinine ClearanceRemind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCentris
Urine CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.2-5 daysCentris
Urine Cytologywith preservative-95% ethyl alcohol5-7 working daysCentris
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCentris
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursCentris
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCentris
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursCentris
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursCentris
Urine OsmolalityNone24 hoursCentris
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCentris
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursCentris
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCentris
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCentris
Vitamin DNone24 hoursCentris
Widal TestNone24 hoursCentris
Apoliprotein AFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursCentris
Apoliprotein BFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursCentris
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursCentris
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursCentris
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursCentris
SCC AgNone24 hoursCentris
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCentris
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursCentris
Anti-Mullerian HormoneNone24 hoursCentris
Pro BNPNone24 hoursCentris
PAPP-ANone2 days from the run date except Sat., Sun., and holidaysCentris
Free Beta HCGNone24 hoursCentris
ThyroglobulinNone24 hoursCentris
Trop T HsNone24 hoursCentris
HSV 1 IgGNone5 days from the run dateCentris
HSV 2 IgGNone5 days from the run dateCentris
CMV IgGNone24 hoursCentris
CMV IgMNone24 hoursCentris
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursClark
AFB stainRinse the mouth and gargle with water only.24 hoursClark
AlbuminNone24 hoursClark
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursClark
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursClark
AmylaseNone24 hoursClark
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursClark
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursClark
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursClark
CalciumNone24 hoursClark
ChlorideNone24 hoursClark
CholesterolNone24 hoursClark
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursClark
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursClark
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursClark
FT3None24 hoursClark
FT4None24 hoursClark
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursClark
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursClark
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursClark
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursClark
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursClark
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursClark
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursClark
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursClark
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursClark
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursClark
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursClark
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursClark
LDHNone24 hoursClark
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursClark
LipaseNone24 hoursClark
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursClark
MagnesiumNone24 hoursClark
Micral TestNone24 hoursClark
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 working daysClark
PhosphorusNone24 hoursClark
K None24 hoursClark
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursClark
SodiumNone24 hoursClark
TT3None24 hoursClark
TT4None24 hoursClark
Total ProteinNone24 hoursClark
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursClark
TSHNone24 hoursClark
UreaNone24 hoursClark
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursClark
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursClark
AFPNone24 hoursClark
ANA (Qualitative)None3 days from running daysClark
ANA (Quantitative)No preparation needed3 days from Running DayClark
Anti - TPONone8 hours on scheduled processing dayClark
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursClark
Anti-Thyroglobulin None24 hoursClark
B-HCGNone24 hoursClark
Bicarbonate (CO2)None24 hoursClark
CA 125None24 hoursClark
CA 15-3None24 hoursClark
CA19-9None24 hoursClark
CEANone24 hoursClark
COMPLEMENT 3None24 hoursClark

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursClark
C-peptide8-10 hours fasting may be required24 hoursClark
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursClark
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysClark
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursClark
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursClark
DHEASNone24 hoursClark
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursClark
EstradiolNone24 hoursClark
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursClark
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursClark
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayClark
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursClark
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursClark
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursClark
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursClark
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursClark
Hepatitis B Core IgMNone24 hoursClark
hsCRPNone24 hoursClark
hsTroponinNone24 hoursClark
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)Clark
IgENone24 hoursClark
Intact PTHNone24 hoursClark
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursClark
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysClark
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursClark
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursClark
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursClark
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursClark
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursClark
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursClark
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursClark
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursClark
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursClark
Testosterone (Total)None24 hoursClark
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursClark
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm, WednesdayClark
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm, WednesdayClark
TPA/GNone24 hoursClark
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursClark
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursClark
Urine albumin/creatinine ratioFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.

For Random urine: Freshly collected urine sample is preferred (30 mins to 1 hour after collection). If processing is delayed, store at ref temperature.
24 hoursClark
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursClark
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursClark
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursClark
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursClark
Urine Creatinine ClearanceRemind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursClark
Urine CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.2-5 daysClark
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursClark
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursClark
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursClark
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursClark
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursClark
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursClark
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursClark
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursClark
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursClark
Vitamin DNone24 hoursClark
Widal TestNone24 hoursClark
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursClark
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursClark
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursClark
SCC AgNone24 hoursClark
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursClark
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursClark
CA 72-4inactive-Clark
Pro BNPNone24 hoursClark
Free Beta HCGNone24 hoursClark
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursDavao
AlbuminNone24 hoursDavao
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursDavao
AmylaseNone24 hoursDavao
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursDavao
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursDavao
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursDavao
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursDavao
CalciumNone24 hoursDavao
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursDavao
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursDavao
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursDavao
FT3None24 hoursDavao
FT4None24 hoursDavao
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursDavao
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursDavao
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursDavao
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursDavao
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursDavao
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursDavao
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursDavao
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursDavao
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursDavao
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursDavao
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursDavao
LDHNone24 hoursDavao
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursDavao
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursDavao
MagnesiumNone24 hoursDavao
Micral TestNone24 hoursDavao
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursDavao
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 Working daysDavao
PhosphorusNone24 hoursDavao
K None24 hoursDavao
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursDavao
SodiumNone24 hoursDavao
TT3None24 hoursDavao
TT4None24 hoursDavao
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursDavao
TSHNone24 hoursDavao
UreaNone24 hoursDavao
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursDavao
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursDavao
AFPNone24 hoursDavao
CA 125None24 hoursDavao
CA 15-3None24 hoursDavao
CA19-9None24 hoursDavao
CEANone24 hoursDavao
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursDavao
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursDavao
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursDavao
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursDavao
Fluid CytologyDepends on the specimen5-7 Working daysDavao
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysDavao
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursDavao
HE4None24 hoursDavao
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursDavao
Histology extralargePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysDavao
Histology largePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysDavao
Histology mediumPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysDavao
Histology smallPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysDavao
hsCRPNone24 hoursDavao
OGCTNo fasting required. Patient will drink 50 grams glucose load. However, it is advisable
not to have glucose (sugar) containing food or drinks 30 minutes before the test.

A pregnant woman is given a 50-gram glucose dose to drink and her blood glucose level is measured after 1 hour.
24 hoursDavao
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursDavao
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursDavao
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursDavao
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursDavao
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursDavao
Urine albumin/creatinine ratioFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.

For Random urine: Freshly collected urine sample is preferred (30 mins to 1 hour after collection). If processing is delayed, store at ref temperature.
24 hoursDavao
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursDavao
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDavao
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDavao
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursDavao
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursDavao
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursDavao
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDavao
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDavao
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursDavao
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursDavao
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursDavao
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDavao
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDavao
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
AFB stainRinse the mouth and gargle with water only.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
AlbuminNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
AmylaseNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
CalciumNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
ChlorideNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
CholesterolNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
FT3None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
FT4None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
LDHNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
LipaseNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
MagnesiumNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Micral TestNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 working daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
PhosphorusNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
K None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
PT (INR)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
PTT (APTT)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
SodiumNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
TT3None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
TT4None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Total ProteinNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
TSHNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
UreaNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Abscess C/SRemove surface exudate by wiping with sterile saline or 70% alcohol.3-5 daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
ACTHNone5-7 working days from setup scheduleDouble Dragon Meridian Park
AFPNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Alpha -1 AntitrypsinNone5-7 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
ANA (IF)None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
ANA (Qualitative)None3 days from running daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
ANA (Quantitative)No preparation needed3 days from Running DayDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Anti - TPONone8 hours on scheduled processing dayDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Anti CCPNone8 hours on scheduled processing dayDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Anti-Thyroglobulin None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
B-HCGNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Bicarbonate (CO2)None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Blood C/S w/ ARDCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Blood CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
BNPNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Body Fluid CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
CA 125None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
CA 15-3None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
CA19-9None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
CD4 COUNTNo preparation needed24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
CEANone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
CKNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
CKMBNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
COMPLEMENT 3None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
COMPLEMENT 4None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
COPPERNone12-14 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysDouble Dragon Meridian Park

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
C-peptide8-10 hours fasting may be required24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Cyfra 21-1NoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
D-DimerNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
DHEASNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
EstradiolNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Fluid CytologyDepends on the specimen5-7 Working daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayDouble Dragon Meridian Park
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Fungal CultureCollection is preferably before any anti-fungal therapy. 6 weeks from date of processingDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
H. pylori Gastric BxNote: with preservative5-7 working daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
H. pyloriAb (Qualitative)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
HE4None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Hepatitis B Core IgMNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Histology extralargePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Histology largePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Histology mediumPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Histology smallPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
HomocysteineFasting of 12 hours maybe required.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
hsCRPNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
hsTroponinNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)Double Dragon Meridian Park
IgENone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
IgMDepends on IGM test requestDouble Dragon Meridian Park
India Ink (Cryptococcus)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
InsulinFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Intact PTHNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
KOH MountNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Lipoprotein a-Lp(a)Fasting of 10 hours over night is required.8 hours on scheduled processing dayDouble Dragon Meridian Park
OGCTNo fasting required. Patient will drink 50 grams glucose load. However, it is advisable
not to have glucose (sugar) containing food or drinks 30 minutes before the test.

A pregnant woman is given a 50-gram glucose dose to drink and her blood glucose level is measured after 1 hour.
24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
ProlactinThe sample MUST be collected 3-4 hours after waking up.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Serum OsmolalityDouble Dragon Meridian Park
SHBGNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Sputum CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Stool Conc. Technique*No patient preparation necessary.
**Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.
*24 hours
**3-5 days
Double Dragon Meridian Park
Swab Culture (Ear)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Swab Culture ( Eye)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Swab Cultue (Genital)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Swab Cultue (Tissue)Collection must be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Swab Cultue (Vaginal)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Testosterone (Free & Total)None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Testosterone (Total)None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm, WednesdayDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm, WednesdayDouble Dragon Meridian Park
TPA/GNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
TPHA (Quantitative)None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
T-UptakeNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine albumin/creatinine ratioFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.

For Random urine: Freshly collected urine sample is preferred (30 mins to 1 hour after collection). If processing is delayed, store at ref temperature.
24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine Creatinine ClearanceRemind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.2-5 daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine Cytologywith preservative-95% ethyl alcohol5-7 working daysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine OsmolalityNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Vitamin DNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Widal TestNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Apoliprotein AFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Apoliprotein BFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
SCC AgNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Procalcitonin--Double Dragon Meridian Park
Anti-Mullerian HormoneNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Pro BNPnone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
PAPP-Anone2 days from the run date except Sat., Sun., and holidaysDouble Dragon Meridian Park
CA 72-4inactive-Double Dragon Meridian Park
Free Beta HCGNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
ThyroglobulinNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
Trop T HsNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
HSV 1 IgGNone5 days from the run dateDouble Dragon Meridian Park
HSV 2 IgGNone5 days from the run dateDouble Dragon Meridian Park
CMV IgGNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
CMV IgMNone24 hoursDouble Dragon Meridian Park
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursFairview
AFB stainRinse the mouth and gargle with water only.24 hoursFairview
AlbuminNone24 hoursFairview
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursFairview
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursFairview
AmylaseNone24 hoursFairview
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursFairview
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursFairview
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursFairview
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursFairview
CalciumNone24 hoursFairview
ChlorideNone24 hoursFairview
CholesterolNone24 hoursFairview
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursFairview
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursFairview
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursFairview
FT3None24 hoursFairview
FT4None24 hoursFairview
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursFairview
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursFairview
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursFairview
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursFairview
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursFairview
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursFairview
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursFairview
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursFairview
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursFairview
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursFairview
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursFairview
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursFairview
LDHNone24 hoursFairview
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursFairview
LipaseNone24 hoursFairview
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursFairview
MagnesiumNone24 hoursFairview
Micral TestNone24 hoursFairview
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursFairview
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 Working daysFairview
PhosphorusNone24 hoursFairview
K None24 hoursFairview
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursFairview
PT (INR)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursFairview
PTT (APTT)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursFairview
SodiumNone24 hoursFairview
Total ProteinNone24 hoursFairview
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursFairview
TSHNone24 hoursFairview
UreaNone24 hoursFairview
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursFairview
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursFairview
Abscess C/SRemove surface exudate by wiping with sterile saline or 70% alcohol.3-5 daysFairview
ACTHNone5-7 working days from setup scheduleFairview
AFPNone24 hoursFairview
Alpha -1 AntitrypsinNone5-7 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysFairview
ANA (IF)None24 hoursFairview
ANA (Qualitative)None3 DAYS FROM RUNNING DAYSFairview
ANA (Quantitative)No preparation needed3 days from Running DayFairview
Anti - TPONoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayFairview
Anti CCPNoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayFairview
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursFairview
Anti-Thyroglobulin None24 hoursFairview
B-HCGNone24 hoursFairview
Bicarbonate (CO2)None24 hoursFairview
BNPNone24 hoursFairview
CA 125None24 hoursFairview
CA 15-3None24 hoursFairview
CA19-9None24 hoursFairview
CD4 COUNTNo preparation needed24 hoursFairview
CEANone24 hoursFairview
CKNone24 hoursFairview
CKMBNone24 hoursFairview
COMPLEMENT 3None24 hoursFairview
COMPLEMENT 4None24 hoursFairview
COPPERNone12-14 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysFairview

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursFairview
C-peptide8-10 hours fasting may be required24 hoursFairview
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursFairview
Cyfra 21-1NoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayFairview
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysFairview
D-DimerNone24 hoursFairview
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursFairview
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursFairview
DHEASNone24 hoursFairview
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursFairview
EstradiolNone24 hoursFairview
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursFairview
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursFairview
Fluid CytologyDepends on the specimen5-7 Working daysFairview
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysFairview
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayFairview
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursFairview
Fungal CultureCollection is preferably before any anti-fungal therapy. 6 weeks from date of processingFairview
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursFairview
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursFairview
H. pylori Gastric BxNote: with preservative5-7 working daysFairview
H. pyloriAb (Qualitative)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursFairview
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursFairview
HE4None24 hoursFairview
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursFairview
Hepatitis B Core IgMNone24 hoursFairview
Histology extralargePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysFairview
Histology largePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysFairview
Histology mediumPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysFairview
Histology smallPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysFairview
HomocysteineFasting of 12 hours maybe required.24 hoursFairview
hsCRPNone24 hoursFairview
hsTroponinNone24 hoursFairview
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)Fairview
IgENone24 hoursFairview
IgMDepends on IGM test requestFairview
India Ink (Cryptococcus)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursFairview
InsulinFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursFairview
Intact PTHNone24 hoursFairview
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursFairview
KOH MountNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursFairview
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.Releasing: 5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysFairview
Lipoprotein a-Lp(a)Fasting of 10 hours over night is required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayFairview
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursFairview
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursFairview
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursFairview
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursFairview
24 hoursFairview
ProlactinThe sample MUST be collected 3-4 hours after waking up.Releasing: 5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysFairview
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursFairview
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursFairview
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursFairview
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursFairview
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursFairview
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursFairview
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursFairview
Serum OsmolalityFairview
SHBGNone24 hoursFairview
Sputum CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysFairview
Stool Conc. Technique*No patient preparation necessary.
**Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.
*24 hours
**3-5 days
Swab Culture (Ear)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysFairview
Swab Culture ( Eye)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysFairview
Swab Cultue (Genital)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysFairview
Swab Cultue (Tissue)Collection must be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysFairview
Swab Cultue (Vaginal)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysFairview
Testosterone (Free & Total)None24 hoursFairview
Testosterone (Total)None24 hoursFairview
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursFairview
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm wedFairview
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm wedFairview
TPA/GNone24 hoursFairview
TPHA (Quantitative)None24 hoursFairview
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursFairview
T-UptakeNone24 hoursFairview
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursFairview
Urine albumin/creatinine ratioFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.

For Random urine: Freshly collected urine sample is preferred (30 mins to 1 hour after collection). If processing is delayed, store at ref temperature.
24 hoursFairview
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursFairview
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursFairview
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursFairview
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursFairview
Urine Creatinine ClearanceRemind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursFairview
Urine CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.2-5 daysFairview
Urine Cytologywith preservative-95% ethyl alcohol5-7 working daysFairview
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursFairview
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursFairview
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursFairview
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursFairview
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursFairview
Urine OsmolalityNone24 hoursFairview
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursFairview
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursFairview
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursFairview
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursFairview
Vitamin DNone24 hoursFairview
Widal TestNone24 hoursFairview
Apoliprotein AFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursFairview
Apoliprotein BFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursFairview
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursFairview
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursFairview
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursFairview
SCC AgNone24 hoursFairview
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursFairview
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursFairview
Anti-Mullerian HormoneNone24 hoursFairview
Pro BNPnone24 hoursFairview
PAPP-Anone2 days from the run date except sat sun and holidayFairview
CA 72-4inactive-Fairview
Free Beta HCGNone24 hoursFairview
ThyroglobulinNone24 hoursFairview
Trop T HsNone24 hoursFairview
HSV 1 IgGNone5 days from the run dateFairview
HSV 2 IgGNone5 days from the run dateFairview
CMV IgGNone24 hoursFairview
CMV IgMNone24 hoursFairview
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursIloilo
AlbuminNone24 hoursIloilo
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursIloilo
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursIloilo
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursIloilo
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursIloilo
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursIloilo
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursIloilo
CalciumNone24 hoursIloilo
ChlorideNone24 hoursIloilo
CholesterolNone24 hoursIloilo
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursIloilo
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursIloilo
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursIloilo
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursIloilo
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursIloilo
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursIloilo
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursIloilo
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursIloilo
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursIloilo
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursIloilo
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursIloilo
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursIloilo
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursIloilo
Micral TestNone24 hoursIloilo
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursIloilo
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 Working daysIloilo
PhosphorusNone24 hoursIloilo
K None24 hoursIloilo
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursIloilo
SodiumNone24 hoursIloilo
Total ProteinNone24 hoursIloilo
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursIloilo
TSHNone24 hoursIloilo
UreaNone24 hoursIloilo
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursIloilo
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursIloilo
AFPNone24 hoursIloilo
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursIloilo
CA 125None24 hoursIloilo
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursIloilo
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursIloilo
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursIloilo
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursIloilo
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysIloilo
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursIloilo
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursIloilo
OGCTNo fasting required. Patient will drink 50 grams glucose load. However, it is advisable
not to have glucose (sugar) containing food or drinks 30 minutes before the test.

A pregnant woman is given a 50-gram glucose dose to drink and her blood glucose level is measured after 1 hour.
24 hoursIloilo
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursIloilo
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursIloilo
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursIloilo
TPA/GNone24 hoursIloilo
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursIloilo
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursIloilo
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursIloilo
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursIloilo
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursImus
AFB stainRinse the mouth and gargle with water only.24 hoursImus
AlbuminNone24 hoursImus
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursImus
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursImus
AmylaseNone24 hoursImus
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursImus
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursImus
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursImus
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursImus
CalciumNone24 hoursImus
ChlorideNone24 hoursImus
CholesterolNone24 hoursImus
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursImus
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursImus
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursImus
FT3None24 hoursImus
FT4None24 hoursImus
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursImus
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursImus
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursImus
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursImus
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursImus
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursImus
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursImus
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursImus
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursImus
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursImus
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursImus
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursImus
LDHNone24 hoursImus
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursImus
LipaseNone24 hoursImus
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursImus
MagnesiumNone24 hoursImus
Micral TestNone24 hoursImus
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursImus
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 Working daysImus
PhosphorusNone24 hoursImus
K None24 hoursImus
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursImus
PT (INR)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursImus
PTT (APTT)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursImus
SodiumNone24 hoursImus
Syphilis AbNone24 hoursImus
TT3None24 hoursImus
TT4None24 hoursImus
Total ProteinNone24 hoursImus
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursImus
TSHNone24 hoursImus
UreaNone24 hoursImus
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursImus
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursImus
ACTHNone5-7 working days from setup scheduleImus
AFPNone24 hoursImus
Alpha -1 AntitrypsinNone5-7 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysImus
ANA (IF)None24 hoursImus
ANA (Quantitative)No preparation needed3 days from Running DayImus
Anti - TPONoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayImus
Anti CCPNoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayImus
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursImus
Anti-Thyroglobulin None24 hoursImus
B-HCGNone24 hoursImus
Bicarbonate (CO2)None24 hoursImus
Blood C/S w/ ARDCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysImus
Blood CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysImus
BNPNone24 hoursImus
CA 125None24 hoursImus
CA 15-3None24 hoursImus
CA19-9None24 hoursImus
CD4 COUNTNo preparation needed24 hoursImus
CEANone24 hoursImus
CKNone24 hoursImus
CKMBNone24 hoursImus
COMPLEMENT 3None24 hoursImus
COMPLEMENT 4None24 hoursImus
COPPERNone12-14 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysImus

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursImus
C-peptide8-10 hours fasting may be required24 hoursImus
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursImus
Cyfra 21-1NoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayImus
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysImus
D-DimerNone24 hoursImus
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursImus
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursImus
DHEASNone24 hoursImus
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursImus
EstradiolNone24 hoursImus
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursImus
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursImus
Fluid CytologyDepends on the specimen5-7 Working daysImus
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysImus
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayImus
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursImus
Fungal CultureCollection is preferably before any anti-fungal therapy. 6 weeks from date of processingImus
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursImus
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursImus
H. pylori Gastric BxNote: with preservative5-7 working daysImus
H. pyloriAb (Qualitative)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursImus
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursImus
HE4None24 hoursImus
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursImus
Hepatitis B Core IgMNone24 hoursImus
Histology extralargePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysImus
Histology largePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysImus
Histology mediumPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysImus
Histology smallPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysImus
HomocysteineFasting of 12 hours maybe required.24 hoursImus
hsCRPNone24 hoursImus
hsTroponinNone24 hoursImus
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)Imus
IgENone24 hoursImus
IgMDepends on IGM test requestImus
India Ink (Cryptococcus)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursImus
InsulinFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursImus
Intact PTHNone24 hoursImus
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursImus
KOH MountNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursImus
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.Releasing: 5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysImus
Lipoprotein a-Lp(a)Fasting of 10 hours over night is required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayImus
OGCTNo fasting required. Patient will drink 50 grams glucose load. However, it is advisable
not to have glucose (sugar) containing food or drinks 30 minutes before the test.

A pregnant woman is given a 50-gram glucose dose to drink and her blood glucose level is measured after 1 hour.
24 hoursImus
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursImus
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursImus
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursImus
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursImus
24 hoursImus
ProlactinThe sample MUST be collected 3-4 hours after waking up.Releasing: 5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysImus
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursImus
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursImus
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursImus
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursImus
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursImus
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursImus
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursImus
Serum OsmolalityImus
SHBGNone24 hoursImus
Sputum CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysImus
Stool Conc. Technique*No patient preparation necessary.
**Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.
*24 hours
**3-5 days
Swab Culture (Ear)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysImus
Swab Culture ( Eye)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysImus
Swab Cultue (Genital)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysImus
Swab Cultue (Tissue)Collection must be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysImus
Swab Cultue (Vaginal)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysImus
Testosterone (Free & Total)None24 hoursImus
Testosterone (Total)None24 hoursImus
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursImus
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm wedImus
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm wedImus
TPA/GNone24 hoursImus
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursImus
T-UptakeNone24 hoursImus
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursImus
Urine albumin/creatinine ratioFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.

For Random urine: Freshly collected urine sample is preferred (30 mins to 1 hour after collection). If processing is delayed, store at ref temperature.
24 hoursImus
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursImus
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursImus
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursImus
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursImus
Urine Creatinine ClearanceRemind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursImus
Urine CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.2-5 daysImus
Urine Cytologywith preservative-95% ethyl alcohol5-7 working daysImus
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursImus
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursImus
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursImus
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursImus
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursImus
Urine OsmolalityNone24 hoursImus
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursImus
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursImus
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursImus
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursImus
Vitamin DNone24 hoursImus
Widal TestNone24 hoursImus
Apoliprotein AFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursImus
Apoliprotein BFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursImus
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursImus
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursImus
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursImus
SCC AgNone24 hoursImus
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursImus
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursImus
Anti-Mullerian HormoneNone24 hoursImus
Pro BNPnone24 hoursImus
CA 72-4inactive-Imus
Free Beta HCGNone24 hoursImus
ThyroglobulinNone24 hoursImus
Trop T HsNone24 hoursImus
HSV 1 IgGNone5 days from the run dateImus
HSV 2 IgGNone5 days from the run dateImus
CMV IgGNone24 hoursImus
CMV IgMNone24 hoursImus
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
AFB stainRinse the mouth and gargle with water only.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
AlbuminNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
AmylaseNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
CalciumNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
ChlorideNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
CholesterolNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
FT3None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
FT4None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
LDHNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
LipaseNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
MagnesiumNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Micral TestNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 working daysSolenad, Laguna
PhosphorusNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
K None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
PT (INR)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
SodiumNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
TT3None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
TT4None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Total ProteinNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
TSHNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
UreaNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
ACTHNone5-7 working days from setup scheduleSolenad, Laguna
AFPNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
ANA (IF)None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
ANA (Qualitative)None3 days from running daysSolenad, Laguna
ANA (Quantitative)No preparation needed3 days from Running DaySolenad, Laguna
Anti - TPONone8 hours on scheduled processing daySolenad, Laguna
Anti CCPNone8 hours on scheduled processing daySolenad, Laguna
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Anti-Thyroglobulin None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
B-HCGNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
BNPNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
CA 125None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
CA 15-3None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
CA19-9None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
CD4 COUNTNo preparation needed24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
CEANone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
CKNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
CKMBNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
COMPLEMENT 3None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
COMPLEMENT 4None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
COPPERNone12-14 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysSolenad, Laguna

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
C-peptide8-10 hours fasting may be required24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Cyfra 21-1NoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing daySolenad, Laguna
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysSolenad, Laguna
D-DimerNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
DHEASNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
EstradiolNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursSolenad, Laguna
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Fluid CytologyDepends on the specimen5-7 Working daysSolenad, Laguna
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysSolenad, Laguna
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing daySolenad, Laguna
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
H. pyloriAb (Qualitative)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
HE4None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Hepatitis B Core IgMNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
hsCRPNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
hsTroponinNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)Solenad, Laguna
IgENone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
IgMDepends on IGM test requestSolenad, Laguna
InsulinFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Intact PTHNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysSolenad, Laguna
OGCTNo fasting required. Patient will drink 50 grams glucose load. However, it is advisable
not to have glucose (sugar) containing food or drinks 30 minutes before the test.

A pregnant woman is given a 50-gram glucose dose to drink and her blood glucose level is measured after 1 hour.
24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
ProlactinThe sample MUST be collected 3-4 hours after waking up.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysSolenad, Laguna
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
SHBGNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Sputum CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysSolenad, Laguna
Testosterone (Free & Total)None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Testosterone (Total)None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm, WednesdaySolenad, Laguna
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm, WednesdaySolenad, Laguna
TPA/GNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
TPHA (Quantitative)None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
T-UptakeNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine albumin/creatinine ratioFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.

For Random urine: Freshly collected urine sample is preferred (30 mins to 1 hour after collection). If processing is delayed, store at ref temperature.
24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine Creatinine ClearanceRemind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.2-5 daysSolenad, Laguna
Urine Cytologywith preservative-95% ethyl alcohol5-7 working daysSolenad, Laguna
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Vitamin DNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Widal TestNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Apoliprotein AFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Apoliprotein BFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
SCC AgNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Procalcitonin--Solenad, Laguna
Anti-Mullerian HormoneNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Pro BNPnone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
PAPP-Anone2 days from the run date except Sat., Sun., and holidaysSolenad, Laguna
CA 72-4inactive-Solenad, Laguna
Free Beta HCGNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
ThyroglobulinNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
HSV 1 IgGNone5 days from the run dateSolenad, Laguna
HSV 2 IgGNone5 days from the run dateSolenad, Laguna
CMV IgGNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
CMV IgMNone24 hoursSolenad, Laguna
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursUrine
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursVV Soliven
AFB stainRinse the mouth and gargle with water only.24 hoursVV Soliven
AlbuminNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursVV Soliven
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursVV Soliven
AmylaseNone24 hoursVV Soliven
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursVV Soliven
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursVV Soliven
CalciumNone24 hoursVV Soliven
ChlorideNone24 hoursVV Soliven
CholesterolNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursVV Soliven
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursVV Soliven
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursVV Soliven
FT3None24 hoursVV Soliven
FT4None24 hoursVV Soliven
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursVV Soliven
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursVV Soliven
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursVV Soliven
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursVV Soliven
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursVV Soliven
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursVV Soliven
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursVV Soliven
LDHNone24 hoursVV Soliven
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursVV Soliven
LipaseNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursVV Soliven
MagnesiumNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Micral TestNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 working daysVV Soliven
PhosphorusNone24 hoursVV Soliven
K None24 hoursVV Soliven
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursVV Soliven
PT (INR)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursVV Soliven
PTT (APTT)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursVV Soliven
SodiumNone24 hoursVV Soliven
TT3None24 hoursVV Soliven
TT4None24 hoursVV Soliven
Total ProteinNone24 hoursVV Soliven
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursVV Soliven
TSHNone24 hoursVV Soliven
UreaNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursVV Soliven
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursVV Soliven
Abscess C/SRemove surface exudate by wiping with sterile saline or 70% alcohol.3-5 daysVV Soliven
ACTHNone5-7 working days from setup scheduleVV Soliven
AFPNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Alpha -1 AntitrypsinNone5-7 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysVV Soliven
ANA (IF)None24 hoursVV Soliven
ANA (Qualitative)None3 days from running daysVV Soliven
Anti - TPONone8 hours on scheduled processing dayVV Soliven
Anti CCPNone8 hours on scheduled processing dayVV Soliven
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Anti-Thyroglobulin None24 hoursVV Soliven
B-HCGNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Bicarbonate (CO2)None24 hoursVV Soliven
Blood C/S w/ ARDCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysVV Soliven
Blood CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysVV Soliven
BNPNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Body Fluid CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysVV Soliven
CA 125None24 hoursVV Soliven
CA 15-3None24 hoursVV Soliven
CA19-9None24 hoursVV Soliven
CD4 COUNTNo preparation needed24 hoursVV Soliven
CEANone24 hoursVV Soliven
CKNone24 hoursVV Soliven
CKMBNone24 hoursVV Soliven
COMPLEMENT 3None24 hoursVV Soliven
COMPLEMENT 4None24 hoursVV Soliven
COPPERNone12-14 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysVV Soliven

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursVV Soliven
C-peptide8-10 hours fasting may be required24 hoursVV Soliven
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursVV Soliven
Cyfra 21-1NoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayVV Soliven
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysVV Soliven
D-DimerNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursVV Soliven
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursVV Soliven
DHEASNone24 hoursVV Soliven
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursVV Soliven
EstradiolNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursVV Soliven
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursVV Soliven
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysVV Soliven
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayVV Soliven
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursVV Soliven
Fungal CultureCollection is preferably before any anti-fungal therapy. 6 weeks from date of processingVV Soliven
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursVV Soliven
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursVV Soliven
H. pyloriAb (Qualitative)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursVV Soliven
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursVV Soliven
HE4None24 hoursVV Soliven
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Histology extralargePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysVV Soliven
Histology largePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysVV Soliven
Histology mediumPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysVV Soliven
Histology smallPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysVV Soliven
HomocysteineFasting of 12 hours maybe required.24 hoursVV Soliven
hsCRPNone24 hoursVV Soliven
hsTroponinNone24 hoursVV Soliven
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)VV Soliven
IgENone24 hoursVV Soliven
IgMDepends on IGM test requestVV Soliven
InsulinFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursVV Soliven
Intact PTHNone24 hoursVV Soliven
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursVV Soliven
KOH MountNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursVV Soliven
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysVV Soliven
Lipoprotein a-Lp(a)Fasting of 10 hours over night is required.8 hours on scheduled processing dayVV Soliven
OGCTNo fasting required. Patient will drink 50 grams glucose load. However, it is advisable
not to have glucose (sugar) containing food or drinks 30 minutes before the test.

A pregnant woman is given a 50-gram glucose dose to drink and her blood glucose level is measured after 1 hour.
24 hoursVV Soliven
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursVV Soliven
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursVV Soliven
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursVV Soliven
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursVV Soliven
24 hoursVV Soliven
ProlactinThe sample MUST be collected 3-4 hours after waking up.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysVV Soliven
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursVV Soliven
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursVV Soliven
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursVV Soliven
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursVV Soliven
Serum OsmolalityVV Soliven
SHBGNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Sputum CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysVV Soliven
Swab Culture (Ear)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysVV Soliven
Swab Culture ( Eye)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysVV Soliven
Swab Cultue (Genital)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysVV Soliven
Swab Cultue (Vaginal)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysVV Soliven
Testosterone (Free & Total)None24 hoursVV Soliven
Testosterone (Total)None24 hoursVV Soliven
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursVV Soliven
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm, WednesdayVV Soliven
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm, WednesdayVV Soliven
TPA/GNone24 hoursVV Soliven
TPHA (Quantitative)None24 hoursVV Soliven
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursVV Soliven
T-UptakeNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursVV Soliven
Urine albumin/creatinine ratioFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.

For Random urine: Freshly collected urine sample is preferred (30 mins to 1 hour after collection). If processing is delayed, store at ref temperature.
24 hoursVV Soliven
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursVV Soliven
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursVV Soliven
Urine Creatinine ClearanceRemind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursVV Soliven
Urine CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.2-5 daysVV Soliven
Urine Cytologywith preservative-95% ethyl alcohol5-7 working daysVV Soliven
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursVV Soliven
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursVV Soliven
Urine OsmolalityNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursVV Soliven
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursVV Soliven
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursVV Soliven
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursVV Soliven
Vitamin DNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Widal TestNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Apoliprotein AFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursVV Soliven
Apoliprotein BFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursVV Soliven
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursVV Soliven
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursVV Soliven
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursVV Soliven
SCC AgNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursVV Soliven
Anti-Mullerian HormoneNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Pro BNPnone24 hoursVV Soliven
PAPP-Anone2 days from the run date except Sat., Sun., and holidaysVV Soliven
CA 72-4inactive-VV Soliven
ThyroglobulinNone24 hoursVV Soliven
Trop T HsNone24 hoursVV Soliven
HSV 1 IgGNone5 days from the run dateVV Soliven
HSV 2 IgGNone5 days from the run dateVV Soliven
CMV IgGNone24 hoursVV Soliven
CMV IgMNone24 hoursVV Soliven
ABO and RhNo preparation needed24 hoursW City Center
AFB stainRinse the mouth and gargle with water only.24 hoursW City Center
AlbuminNone24 hoursW City Center
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Fasting overnight preferred but not required24 hoursW City Center
SGPT (ALT)None24 hoursW City Center
AmylaseNone24 hoursW City Center
AST (SGOT)None24 hoursW City Center
Bilirubin - DirectNone24 hoursW City Center
Bilirubin - GroupNone24 hoursW City Center
Bilirubin - TotalNone24 hoursW City Center
CalciumNone24 hoursW City Center
ChlorideNone24 hoursW City Center
CholesterolNone24 hoursW City Center
Complete Blood CountNo preparation needed24 hoursW City Center
Creatinine (with EGFR)None24 hoursW City Center
FecalysisNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursW City Center
FT3None24 hoursW City Center
FT4None24 hoursW City Center
GGTFasting of at least 8 hours maybe required. Alcohols and certain medications can affect GGT levels so you may be asked to abstain from them prior to testing.24 hoursW City Center
GlucoseFasting of 8-10 hours over night is required.

24 hoursW City Center
HbA1c (with eAG)None24 hoursW City Center
HDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursW City Center
Hepatitis A IgMNone24 hoursW City Center
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Total)None24 hoursW City Center
Hepatitis B Envelope AbNone24 hoursW City Center
Hepatitis B Envelope AgNone24 hoursW City Center
Hepatitis B Surface AbNone24 hoursW City Center
Hepatitis B Surface AgNone24 hoursW City Center
Hepatitis C AbNone24 hoursW City Center
HIV Ag/Ab 1&2No patient preparation. MANDATORY: Submit a completely fill out HIV Consent Form prior to blood extraction.24 hoursW City Center
LDHNone24 hoursW City Center
LDL CholesterolFasting of 10 hours overnight is required.24 hoursW City Center
LipaseNone24 hoursW City Center
Lipid StudiesFasting of 10-12 hours overnight is required.24 hoursW City Center
MagnesiumNone24 hoursW City Center
Micral TestNone24 hoursW City Center
Non-Fasting Lipid ProfileNone24 hoursW City Center
Pap smearDoctor will collect the sample5-7 working daysW City Center
PhosphorusNone24 hoursW City Center
K None24 hoursW City Center
PSA - TotalNo sexual intercourse, prostatic massage/ultrasound for 24 hours.24 hoursW City Center
PT (INR)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursW City Center
PTT (APTT)Fasting of 6-8 hours (optional)
• Information/s required:
- Patient's diagnosis
- Medication being taken
24 hoursW City Center
SodiumNone24 hoursW City Center
TT3None24 hoursW City Center
TT4None24 hoursW City Center
Total ProteinNone24 hoursW City Center
TriglyceridesFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursW City Center
TSHNone24 hoursW City Center
UreaNone24 hoursW City Center
Uric AcidNone
24 hoursW City Center
UrinalysisFor Ladies only: Urine sample MUST be collected 5 days after the menstruation.24 hoursW City Center
Abscess C/SRemove surface exudate by wiping with sterile saline or 70% alcohol.3-5 daysW City Center
ACTHNone5-7 working days from setup scheduleW City Center
AFPNone24 hoursW City Center
Alpha -1 AntitrypsinNone5-7 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysW City Center
ANA (IF)None24 hoursW City Center
ANA (Qualitative)None3 days from running daysW City Center
ANA (Quantitative)No preparation needed3 days from Running DayW City Center
Anti - TPONone8 hours on scheduled processing dayW City Center
Anti CCPNone8 hours on scheduled processing dayW City Center
Anti streptolyssin O TiterNone24 hoursW City Center
Anti-Thyroglobulin None24 hoursW City Center
B-HCGNone24 hoursW City Center
Bicarbonate (CO2)None24 hoursW City Center
Blood C/S w/ ARDCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysW City Center
Blood CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.6-7 daysW City Center
BNPNone24 hoursW City Center
Body Fluid CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysW City Center
CA 125None24 hoursW City Center
CA 15-3None24 hoursW City Center
CA19-9None24 hoursW City Center
CD4 COUNTNo preparation needed24 hoursW City Center
CEANone24 hoursW City Center
CKNone24 hoursW City Center
CKMBNone24 hoursW City Center
COMPLEMENT 3None24 hoursW City Center
COMPLEMENT 4None24 hoursW City Center
COPPERNone12-14 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysW City Center

NOTE: Time of blood collection is required.
24 hoursW City Center
C-peptide8-10 hours fasting may be required24 hoursW City Center
CRP (high sensitive)None24 hoursW City Center
Cyfra 21-1NoneTAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayW City Center
Cystatin CNo preparation neededAfter 2-4 days from run date excluding Saturday, Sunday & HolidaysW City Center
D-DimerNone24 hoursW City Center
Dengue Ab (IgG/IgM)None24 hoursW City Center
Dengue NS1 AgNone24 hoursW City Center
DHEASNone24 hoursW City Center
ESRNo preparation needed24 hoursW City Center
EstradiolNone24 hoursW City Center
Ionized CalciumNo fasting required.12 hoursW City Center
FerritinFasting of 10 hours maybe required.24 hoursW City Center
Fluid CytologyDepends on the specimen5-7 Working daysW City Center
FNAB (pap smear)Depends on the specimen5-7 Working daysW City Center
FolateFasting of 6-8 hours maybe required.TAT: 8 hours on scheduled processing dayW City Center
FSHNo Need to schedule24 hoursW City Center
Fungal CultureCollection is preferably before any anti-fungal therapy. 6 weeks from date of processingW City Center
Gram StainNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursW City Center
H. pylori Ag (stool)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursW City Center
H. pylori Gastric BxNote: with preservative5-7 working daysW City Center
H. pyloriAb (Qualitative)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursW City Center
HCG (Qualitative)None24 hoursW City Center
HE4None24 hoursW City Center
Hepatitis A IgGNone24 hoursW City Center
Hepatitis B Core IgMNone24 hoursW City Center
Histology extralargePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysW City Center
Histology largePreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysW City Center
Histology mediumPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysW City Center
Histology smallPreferred Specimen with Formlain5-7 Working daysW City Center
HomocysteineFasting of 12 hours maybe required.24 hoursW City Center
hsCRPNone24 hoursW City Center
hsTroponinNone24 hoursW City Center
IgAFor scheduling (Send out test)W City Center
IgENone24 hoursW City Center
IgMDepends on IGM test requestW City Center
India Ink (Cryptococcus)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursW City Center
InsulinFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursW City Center
Intact PTHNone24 hoursW City Center
IronFasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursW City Center
KOH MountNo patient preparation necessary.24 hoursW City Center
LHNone, but the timing of a woman's sample will be correlated with her menstrual cycle.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysW City Center
Lipoprotein a-Lp(a)Fasting of 10 hours over night is required.8 hours on scheduled processing dayW City Center
OGCTNo fasting required. Patient will drink 50 grams glucose load. However, it is advisable
not to have glucose (sugar) containing food or drinks 30 minutes before the test.

A pregnant woman is given a 50-gram glucose dose to drink and her blood glucose level is measured after 1 hour.
24 hoursW City Center
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursW City Center
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursW City Center
OGTT (3 point)Fasting of 10 hours overnight is required. The patient should eat and drink as they normally do prior to fasting.

A pregnant woman is given a 100-gram glucose dose and her glucose is measured at timed intervals: fasting, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour
24 hoursW City Center
Peripheral Blood Smearnone24 hoursW City Center
24 hoursW City Center
ProlactinThe sample MUST be collected 3-4 hours after waking up.5 pm on Tuesdays/SaturdaysW City Center
PSA - FreeNone24 hoursW City Center
Reticulocyte CountNo preparation needed24 hoursW City Center
Rheumatoid FactorNone24 hoursW City Center
Rubella IgGNone24 hoursW City Center
Rubella IgMNone24 hoursW City Center
RPR (Qualitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursW City Center
RPR (Quantitative)Non-fasting

NOTE: Clinical diagnosis is required.
24 hoursW City Center
Serum OsmolalityW City Center
SHBGNone24 hoursW City Center
Sputum CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysW City Center
Stool Conc. Technique*No patient preparation necessary.
**Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.
*24 hours
**3-5 days
W City Center
Swab Culture (Ear)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysW City Center
Swab Culture ( Eye)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysW City Center
Swab Cultue (Genital)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysW City Center
Swab Cultue (Tissue)Collection must be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysW City Center
Swab Cultue (Vaginal)Collection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.3-5 daysW City Center
Testosterone (Free & Total)None24 hoursW City Center
Testosterone (Total)None24 hoursW City Center
TIBC (UIBC + Iron)Fasting of 10 hours may be required.24 hoursW City Center
Toxoplasma IgGNone5pm, WednesdayW City Center
Toxoplasma IgMNone5pm, WednesdayW City Center
TPA/GNone24 hoursW City Center
TPHA (Quantitative)None24 hoursW City Center
TransferrinFasting of 10 hours over night is required.24 hoursW City Center
T-UptakeNone24 hoursW City Center
Typhidot (Salmonella)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursW City Center
Urine albumin/creatinine ratioFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.

For Random urine: Freshly collected urine sample is preferred (30 mins to 1 hour after collection). If processing is delayed, store at ref temperature.
24 hoursW City Center
Urine AmylaseNone24 hoursW City Center
Urine CalciumUrine: Collect 24 hour specimens in a bottle containing 20 to 30 mL of 6 mol/L HCl (1 to 2 mL for a random specimen) in order to prevent calcium salt precipitation.

For 24 hr urine collection: Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours. Refrigerate the urine specimen during collection.
24 hoursW City Center
Urine ChlorideNone24 hoursW City Center
Urine CreatinineFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursW City Center
Urine Creatinine ClearanceRemind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursW City Center
Urine CultureCollection MUST be done prior to antibiotic therapy.2-5 daysW City Center
Urine Cytologywith preservative-95% ethyl alcohol5-7 working daysW City Center
Urine GlucoseFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursW City Center
Urine hCG (strip)None24 hoursW City Center
Urine MagnesiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursW City Center
Urine Micral TestNone24 hoursW City Center
Urine MicroalbuminCollect urine as a 24-hour, timed, or random midstream sample (spot collection) in a clean, unused glass or plastic collection container. The following are acceptable preservatives: 6N hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin, toluene, and xylene.24 hoursW City Center
Urine OsmolalityNone24 hoursW City Center
Urine PotassiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursW City Center
Urine ProteinNone
24 hoursW City Center
Urine SodiumFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursW City Center
Vitamin B12For 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursW City Center
Vitamin DNone24 hoursW City Center
Widal TestNone24 hoursW City Center
Apoliprotein AFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursW City Center
Apoliprotein BFasting of 12 hours over night is required.24 hoursW City Center
IFOBT (FIT)No patient preparation necessary.24 hoursW City Center
HCG (Quantitative)24 hoursW City Center
Non-HDL CholesterolNone. If you are having this test performed as part of the lipid profile, typically you will need to fast for 10-12 hours before the sample is collected; only water is permitted24 hoursW City Center
SCC AgNone24 hoursW City Center
Urine PhosphorusFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursW City Center
Urine Uric AcidFor 24 hr urine collection:Remind the patient to discard the first morning specimen, record time, and collect every subsequent voiding for the next 24 hours.24 hoursW City Center
Procalcitonin--W City Center
Anti-Mullerian HormoneNone24 hoursW City Center
Pro BNPnone24 hoursW City Center
PAPP-Anone2 days from the run date except Sat., Sun., and holidaysW City Center
CA 72-4inactive-W City Center
Free Beta HCGNone24 hoursW City Center
ThyroglobulinNone24 hoursW City Center
Trop T HsNone24 hoursW City Center
HSV 1 IgGNone5 days from the run dateW City Center
HSV 2 IgGNone5 days from the run dateW City Center
CMV IgGNone24 hoursW City Center
CMV IgMNone24 hoursW City Center
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