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Protecting your Family from the Flu


Protecting your Family from the Flu

One of the threats to the successful school lives of your children this year is the ongoing flu season. The rainy season from October to December is ideal for the influenza virus to spread due to the wetter and colder climate caused by monsoon winds.

As such, here’s a short explanation of the flu, how to treat your children and yourself, and how to keep it from spreading to others. 

What is the Flu?

Seasonal flu or influenza is a respiratory infection. The cause is the influenza virus, one of the most common viruses worldwide. The flu virus is spread most easily through coughing and sneezing and has been known to have an abrupt onset of symptoms.

What are some of the symptoms of the flu virus?

  • Chills – This is your body boosting its core temperature to kill off the virus
  • Cold – Colds differ from the flu, but you can have both simultaneously. You can sometimes have a stuffy nose with the flu, but this is more common with the common cold
  • Cough – Fairly common with the flu and can be moderate to severe
  • Fever – Part of your body’s immune response to prevent the virus from replicating; not everybody with the flu will have a fever
  • Sore throat – As with colds, this can sometimes happen with the flu
  • Body aches – this is caused by the inflammation of the muscles and the nerves in reaction to the virus

How do you keep the flu from spreading?

There are two approaches to keeping flu from spreading. The first is general hygiene, which should be practiced by every member of the family. Here are three essential pointers on encouraging good hygiene practices, especially with children. 

Keep your nails neat 

Kids learn by watching adults. Nails are a repository of germs and can be a virus vector. Keeping your nails neat is a good way of preventing this. Demonstrate good hygiene practices and explain the importance of clean hands to your children. 

Bathe regularly

Make sure you and your kids take a daily bath even if you’re in a rush or it’s cold outside. Bathing regularly can help you stay energized all day, and it is also helpful in stripping away the harmful germs on your skin that can also spread the flu virus.

Cover your mouth

Coughing and sneezing hygiene is also important in preventing the flu from spreading. Covering your mouth with your hand, arm, handkerchief, or tissue whenever you cough is a good way of keeping the virus from spreading. And the lessons we learned from the recent COVID-19 pandemic also hold here: masks can help stem the virus’ spread, and if you can avoid sick individuals, do so.

Treatment and Prevention

The treatment of the flu focuses mostly on rest and hydration, as well as providing symptom relief. The flu usually clears within a week in most healthy individuals. 

Immunocompromised individuals, however, are at a higher risk of complications. For these individuals, antiviral medications are added to the treatment protocol. 

Prevention, however, is a great way of stemming the spread of the flu. Flu vaccines are updated regularly, and while these don’t prevent all iterations of the virus, they can prepare your body to fight it off more efficiently than it could without.

If any family member suffers from the flu, schedule a check-up with a Maxicare Primary Care Clinic, which can accommodate clinical and laboratory tests. Or if you have any health concerns, you may consult a doctor immediately via the Maxicare 24/7 Teleconsult or Videoconsult services powered by Doctor Anywhere. HomeCare medical procedures are available upon request in Metro Manila and selected provinces. Let’s work together to create a healthier, safer environment for our family and community!



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